Happy Thanksgiving 2017! November 23rd 2017 10:59 AM

Happy Thanksgiving from The Bitcoins!

Mr. Bitcoin has just finished saying a beautiful blessing on what a great time it is to be alive with Bitcoin and financial liberation on the rise! Milli Bitcoin watches proudly over the glorious bird as she keeps one hand out to stabilize the flailing Baby Satoshi. Baby Satoshi, seen with a makeshift napkin bib, seems to be ignoring his delicious cherry tomato in favor of the "curious commotion" underneath the table... or perhaps he has noticed something extra special at the extra place setting? Penny sneaks a snack to Dogey who uncharacteristically patiently waits for the treat. On the other hand, Brother Mike leans way too far back in his chair, an action that he has been scolded for too many times to count, in an attempt to get Dogey's attention.

This is no time to think about "The Pair of Dice Papers"... Now, let's carve up this juicy bird!